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Título : Landscape laboratory of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage : actions and achievements for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention
Autor : Fernández Cacho, Silvia  
Sáenz de la Cuesta Ocáriz, Héctor
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Fuente : National Conference for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe. Integrated approach to landscape protection, management and planning in Croatia : Proceedings (nº 115, 2018, Croatia), pp. 35-44
Tipo de documento: Acta de congreso
Descriptores temáticos: Paisaje
Patrimonio cultural
Gestión de patrimonio
Proyectos (Documentos)
Centros de documentación
Código ISO Idioma: eng
Resumen: Andalusia is an Autonomous Community situated in the south of Spain with an area of 87,268 sq.km, divided into eight provinces. It has a regional government, the Junta de Andalucía, the responsibilities of which are split between thirteen Ministries, the Ministry of Culture being the one responsible for managing Andalusian cultural heritage. The Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH) is a government-run entity belonging to the Ministry of Culture, authorised as a research institute, the purposes of which include the monitoring, research and innovation, documentation, communication and development of historical heritage. This Landscape Laboratory is the IAPH Department responsible for guiding the implementation of the European Landscape Convention in the plans, programmes and actions carried out by the Andalusian government in the area of historical heritage. It was created in the year 2000, thanks to a project of the European Culture 2000 programme, led by the IAPH, which established operating criteria for the landscape of large archaeological sites: Baelo Claudia (Spain), Cortona (Italy), Miróbriga (Portugal) and Thessalonica (Greece). Since then, the Laboratory has executed numerous multidisciplinary projects and actions, in collaboration with other national, international and regional institutions, which have progressed in the implementation of the specific measures of the European Landscape Convention associated with the promotion of awareness, training and education, identification and evaluation, landscape quality goals and implementation.
Editorial : Strasbourg : Council of Europe
URL de la versión del editor: https://rm.coe.int/celebrating-the-2nd-international-landscape-day-of-the-council-of-euro/168090712a
Derechos: © Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
Derechos URL: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.es
Fecha de depósito: 2019-06-06T07:52:50Z
Fecha disponible: 2019-06-06T07:52:50Z
Formato: application/pdf
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/11532/327982
Aparece en las colecciones: Jornadas/Congresos
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