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Título : Uses and historical management of water in the landscapes of cultural interest in Andalusia
Autor : Rodrigo Cámara, José María
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Fuente : Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention “Water, landscape and citizenship in the face of global change” = Reunion des ateliers du Conseil de L’Europe pour la mise en oeuvre de la Convention sur le Paysage "Eau, paysage et citoyenneté face aux changements mondiaux" (22º. 2019. Sevilla), 2019, [Consulta: 6 junio 2019]. Disponible en: https://rm.coe.int/council-of-europe-european-landscape-convention-22nd-meeting-of-the-wo/1680931f72
Tipo de documento: Acta de congreso
Otros descriptores toponímicos: Andalucía
Descriptores temáticos: Agua
Paisaje cultural
Patrimonio cultural
Código ISO Idioma: eng
Resumen: A cultural vision of the resources linked to water is presented as historical and cultural modelers of landscapes in Andalusia. As a guide, the Register of Landscapes of Cultural Interest in Andalusia will be used, an institutional project focused on the knowledge of regional landscapes, their identification and characterization. In this Register it is possible to recognize, among other elements, how water is integrated into very different types of landscape. They will be shown, from those linked to agricultural activities, to those related to infrastructures dedicated to channeling and transport or to the production of energy, or even others that exemplify the creation of collective symbolic landscapes. Finally, a synthesis of the patrimonial management framework of these landscapes will be made from the territorial point of view as one of the bases to foresee its conservation and sustainability in the future.
Editorial : Strasbourg : Council of Europe
URL de la versión del editor: https://rm.coe.int/council-of-europe-european-landscape-convention-22nd-meeting-of-the-wo/1680931f72
Derechos: © Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
Derechos URL: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.es
Fecha de depósito: 2019-09-25T11:00:39Z
Fecha disponible: 2019-06-06T08:41:39Z
Formato: application/pdf
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/11532/327983
Aparece en las colecciones: Jornadas/Congresos
Registro de Paisajes de Interés Cultural de Andalucía
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