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dc.contributor.authorOntiveros Ortega, Estheres_ES
dc.contributor.authorOntiveros Ortega, Alfonsoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorMoleón Baca, José Albertoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorRuiz Agudo, Encarnaciónes_ES
dc.coverage.spatialMorón de la Fronteraes_ES
dc.description.abstractThe surface properties of the portlandite are very important in the behavior of the suspensions of lime used as binders, plasters, mortars and paint, for use in the architecture heritage conservation. These rheological properties depend heavily on surface thermodynamic properties, surface tension-surface free energy and load the lime present in aqueous medium. It selected two types of quicklime, originating from the same rock but made in two types of kilns: traditional and industrial Kiln. It has determined values of the surface free energy of the lime in the form of CaO and Ca(OH)2 as well as the rock used in its preparation. In addition, it conducted an electrokinetic study to determine electrophoretic mobility in a water/lime system. It analyzed various types of oxides after laboratory slaking and periods during which the portlandite remained in water. This study revealed that quicklime is monopolar and has a hydrophilic nature. Tradition quicklime, cTotal values decrease as temperature increases the calcination of limestone. This has greater hydrophilicity than that of industrial quicklime. Moreover, traditional lime, introduces more charges than that fabricated by industrial processes, with larger values of n Potential. n Potential data confirm the optimal plasticity properties of the traditional lime, and that this quality is maintained.es_ES
dc.publisherÁmsterdam : Elsevieres_ES
dc.rights© Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Históricoes_ES
dc.sourceConstruction and Building Materials, 2017, Volume 151, pp. 809-818es_ES
dc.subjectConservación (Patrimonio)es_ES
dc.titleElectrokinetic and thermodynamic characterization of lime-water interface : physical and rheological properties of lime mortares_ES
iaph.bien.denominacionProducción de cal (195455)es_ES
iaph.disponibilidad.externoConsulta, reproducción, uso públicoes_ES
iaph.disponibilidad.internoConsulta, reproducción, uso públicoes_ES
Appears in Collections: Artículos en publicaciones seriadas
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