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Título : The Fougueux (1805). Prototype 18th – 19th French construction system
Autor : Rodríguez Mariscal, Nuria
Ciarlo, Nicolás Carlos
Rieth, Eric
Izaguirre Lacoste, Manuel
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Fuente : International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (15, 2018, Marsella)
Tipo de documento: Acta de congreso
Denominación del Bien: Espacio Subacuático Bahía de Cádiz (28178)
Pecio de Camposoto (28223)
Bajo de Chapitel (16475)
Ampliar información del Bien: https://guiadigital.iaph.es/bien/inmueble/28178
Provincia: Cádiz
Municipio: San Fernando San Fernando
Chiclana de la Frontera Chiclana de la Frontera
Descriptores temáticos: Arqueología subacuática
Edad Contemporánea
Construcción naval
Batalla de Trafalgar, 1805
Código ISO Idioma: eng
Resumen: Poster. Abstract: The 74 guns French ship Fougueux was built in the L’Oriênt arsenals in 1784, according to the guidelines of naval engineer Jacques Nöel Sané. The Fougueux belonged to the Spanish-French fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Villeneuve that in 21st October of 1805 faced the English fleet commanded by Admiral Nelson in the well-known Battle of Trafalgar. After a hard confrontation, the Fougueux was towed as a prey of war by the English ship Temeraire. The latest news about the French ship indicates that it was lost breaking on the rocky slopes of Sancti-Petri due to a storm unleashed after the battle. About two centuries later, an array of iron cannons, an anchor and wooden remains were discovered in this location. The archaeological research at the site was carried out by the Underwater Archaeology Centre of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage. This paper presents the results on the ship’s construction system, with emphasis on the particularities that place it within the late 18th to early 19th century French shipbuilding tradition.
URL de la versión del editor: http://www.isbsa.org/
Derechos: © Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
Derechos URL: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.es
Fecha de depósito: 2019-10-22T08:58:04Z
Fecha disponible: 2019-10-22T08:58:04Z
Formato: application/pdf
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/11532/329296
Aparece en las colecciones: Jornadas/Congresos
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