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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/11532/335032
Title : Preliminary evaluation of the water-proofing efficacy of diverse protective treatments on diverse stones used in Spanish monuments = evaluation preliminaire de l'efficacité de plusieurs traitements hydrofuges sur diverses pierres employées dans monuments espagnoles
Author : Bello López, Miguel Ángel
Martín García, Lourdes
Martín Pérez, Antonio
Date issued: May-1992
Source: International Congress on deterioration and conservation of stone : proceedings (7º.1992. Lisbon). Volume 3, pp. 1273-1277873
Document Type: Acta de congreso
Thematic descriptors: Piedra
Patrimonio inmueble
Scientific editor: Delgado Rodrigues, J.
Henriques, Fernando
Telmo Jeremías, F.
Language ISO: eng
Abstract: Inglés: The protection efficacy of water protective treatments on very different stones has been valued with a systems which included the electrical detection of the water front from the absorpcion through the stone at constant hydrostatic pressure. Francés: Dans ce travail nous avons evalué l'efficacité de protection de divers traitements protecteurs d'effect hydrofuge sur de très differentes classes de pierres. La méthode experimentale comprend la détection eléctrique du front de l'eau á partir de l'absorption à traves de la pierre sous pression hydrostatique constante.
Publisher : Lisbon: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
ISBN: 972-49-1483-6
Rights: © Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
Rights URL: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.es
Date accessioned: 2021-01-11T17:48:30Z
Date available: 2021-01-11T17:48:30Z
Format: application/pdf
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/11532/335032
Appears in Collections: Jornadas/Congresos
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