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dc.contributor.authorFerreira-Lopes, P.es_ES
dc.identifier.citationFerreira Lopes, P. (2023). Exploring Andalusian industrial heritage through data science: breaking down the gaps and concerns to visualise opportunities. Conservar Património,es_ES
dc.description.abstractIndustrial heritage, understood as the group of elements related to the work culture and production activities that emerged during the industrial revolution, has been surveyed and documented extensively in Spain in recent decades. This is particularly the case of recent years thanks to the advent of digital tools and systems. In the case of Andalusia, the efforts to document, disseminate and protect industrial heritage have been the subject of a variety of actions and projects. This paper describes the methodology used and the results obtained from a review of the existing 1,443 records of immovable assets of industrial heritage. The results point to deficiencies in the updating and incorporation of information in the Digital Guide, and to the need to carry out actions geared more towards understanding the elements as an integral whole made up of the landscape in which they appear.es_ES
dc.publisherAssociação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugales_ES
dc.rights© Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Históricoes_ES
dc.sourceConservar património, 2023, nº 44, pp. 30-46es_ES
dc.subjectPatrimonio industriales_ES
dc.subjectPatrimonio Culturales_ES
dc.subjectSistemas de información geográficaes_ES
dc.titleExploring Andalusian industrial heritage through data science: breaking down the gaps and concerns to visualise opportunities.es_ES
iaph.disponibilidad.externoConsulta, reproducción, uso públicoes_ES
iaph.disponibilidad.internoConsulta, reproducción, uso públicoes_ES
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