Depósito de documentos digitales reúne, difunde y preserva la documentación generada en los proyectos y actividades del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico.
Informes mensuales: 05/2015 | 06/2015 | 07/2015 | 08/2015 | 09/2015 | 10/2015 | 11/2015 | 12/2015 | 01/2016 | 02/2016 | 03/2016 | 04/2016 | 05/2016 | 07/2016 | 08/2016 | 09/2016 | 10/2016 | 11/2016 | 12/2016 | 01/2017 | 02/2017 | 03/2017 | 04/2017 | 05/2017 | 06/2017 | 07/2017 | 08/2017 | 09/2017 | 10/2017 | 11/2017 | 12/2017 | 01/2018 | 02/2018 | 03/2018 | 04/2018 | 05/2018 | 06/2018 | 07/2018 | 08/2018 | 09/2018 | 10/2018 | 11/2018 | 12/2018 | 01/2019 | 02/2019 | 03/2019 | 04/2019 | 05/2019 | 06/2019 | 07/2019 | 08/2019 | 09/2019 | 10/2019 | 11/2019 | 12/2019 | 01/2020 | 02/2020 | 03/2020 | 04/2020 | 05/2020 | 06/2020 | 07/2020 | 08/2020 | 09/2020 | 10/2020 | 11/2020 | 12/2020 | 01/2021 | 02/2021 | 03/2021 | 04/2021 | 05/2021 | 06/2021 | 07/2021 | 08/2021 | 09/2021 | 10/2021 | 11/2021 | 12/2021 | 01/2022 | 02/2022 | 03/2022 | 04/2022 | 05/2022 | 06/2022 | 07/2022 | 08/2022 | 09/2022 | 10/2022 | 11/2022 | 12/2022 | 01/2023 | 02/2023 | 03/2023 | 04/2023 | 05/2023 | 06/2023 | 07/2023 | 08/2023 | 09/2023 | 10/2023 | 11/2023 | 12/2023 | 01/2024 | 02/2024 | 03/2024 | 04/2024 | 05/2024 | 06/2024 | 07/2024 | 08/2024 | 09/2024 | 10/2024 | 11/2024
Items Archived | 104 |
Bitstream Views | 380.431 |
Item Views | 379.713 |
Collection Views | 9.776 |
Community Views | 9.374 |
User Logins | 288 |
Searches Performed | 262.102 |
Licence Rejections | 0 |
OAI Requests | 0 |
Content Type | Number of items |
All Items | 104 |
Preprint | 0 |
Thesis or Dissertation | 0 |
Research Paper | 0 |
Action | Number of times |
Bitstream Views | 380.431 |
Item Views | 379.713 |
Searches Performed | 262.102 |
delete_metadata_value | 68.457 |
browse_mini | 26.034 |
//localhost | 15.090 |
Collection Views | 9.776 |
Community Views | 9.374 |
browse_by_item | 7.250 |
Item Updated | 7.185 |
Bitstream Updates | 5.339 |
Bundle Updates | 4.407 |
Workspace Item Views | 3.079 |
browse | 2.856 |
io_error | 2.523 |
Invalid ID Requests | 1.735 |
User Home Page Views | 712 |
authenticate | 600 |
/opt/dspace/etc/oracle, classpath | 550 |
file | 549 |
oracle | 549 |
Workflow Advanced One Stage | 365 |
Workflow Item Updates | 350 |
Administrator Only Notifications | 342 |
Bundles Added | 334 |
workflow_item | 332 |
EPerson Record Updated | 297 |
User Logins | 288 |
browse_by_value | 269 |
View Workspace Item | 242 |
Bitstreams Created | 209 | date value | 208 |
Bitstreams Added | 206 |
general_jspui_error | 200 |
Items Created | 184 |
Bundles Created | 167 |
Workflow Views | 154 |
Tasks Claimed | 126 |
Items Added | 112 |
Items Installed | 104 |
Items Archived | 104 |
create_author | 98 |
Workspace Items Created | 92 |
Workspace Items Deleted | 86 |
Workflow Starts | 80 |
Licences Accepted | 80 |
submission_complete | 80 |
User's Own Submissions Viewed | 60 |
Community List Views | 59 |
Workflow Items Edited | 53 |
User Logouts | 52 |
edit_metadata | 41 |
edit_item | 41 |
create_subject | 37 |
Feedback Form Displayed | 29 |
Bitstreams Deleted | 26 |
User Login Failures | 24 |
Bitstreams Removed | 23 |
EPerson Group Updates | 14 |
sent_feedback | 14 |
Collection Updates | 14 |
invalid_handle | 8 |
Error in discovery while setting up date facet range | 8 |
Items Deleted | 7 |
Bundles Deleted | 7 |
delete_author | 7 |
Bundles Removed | 7 |
listadoExport | 7 |
move_item | 6 |
create_onomastic | 5 |
Authorisation Errors | 5 |
EPerson Accounts Created | 5 |
registerion_alert | 4 |
EPerson Groups Created | 4 |
Registration Tokens Sent | 4 |
Registration Token Used | 4 |
Confirmations of Workspace Item Removal | 3 |
Logos Uploaded | 3 |
org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException | 3 |
delete_subject | 3 |
Submissions Removed | 3 |
Logos Removed | 3 |
Collections Created | 2 |
Collections Deleted | 2 |
view_html | 2 |
Collections Added | 2 |
Collections Removed | 2 |
update_subject | 2 |
EPerson Groups Deleted | 2 |
8080 | 2 |
update_metadatavalue | 1 |
delete_onomastic | 1 |
User Profile Views | 1 |
Attempted Re-register of Registered User | 1 |
update_onomastic | 1 |
update_author | 1 |
Licence Rejections | 0 |
OAI Requests | 0 |
User | Number of logins |
Address 16 | 58 |
Address 11 | 47 |
Address 2 | 47 |
Address 10 | 40 |
Address 4 | 32 |
Address 5 | 14 |
Address 1 | 12 |
Address 13 | 9 |
Address 12 | 7 |
Address 18 | 6 |
Address 14 | 4 |
Address 8 | 3 |
Address 15 | 2 |
Address 9 | 2 |
Address 19 | 1 |
Address 17 | 1 |
Address 3 | 1 |
Address 6 | 1 |
Address 7 | 1 |
Word | Number of searches |
dspace | 257.639 |
scope=org | 257.639 |
content | 257.639 |
community@4be9bb4d | 70.662 |
collection@4bc51ef0 | 27.754 |
community@4be3bb4d | 24.874 |
collection@4bfc1ef0 | 17.549 |
collection@4bc31ef0 | 14.505 |
community@4be7bb4d | 12.508 |
null | 12.336 |
community@4bebbb4d | 11.752 |
collection@4bcd1ef0 | 5.951 |
community@4be8bb4d | 5.409 |
collection@4bf81ef0 | 4.717 |
scope=null | 4.463 |
collection@4bc61ef0 | 4.437 |
collection@4bf91ef0 | 4.149 |
collection@4bcf1ef0 | 4.114 |
community@4be0bb4d | 3.324 |
collection@4bce1ef0 | 3.209 |
community@4be6bb4d | 3.113 |
collection@4bf11ef0 | 2.983 |
collection@4bda1ef0 | 2.597 |
collection@4bfb1ef0 | 2.505 |
collection@4bc11ef0 | 2.466 |
collection@4c001ef0 | 2.387 |
collection@4bd81ef0 | 2.284 |
collection@4bf61ef0 | 1.951 |
community@4be1bb4d | 1.663 |
collection@4bde1ef0 | 1.564 |
collection@4bfe1ef0 | 1.524 |
collection@4bf41ef0 | 1.480 |
collection@4bcc1ef0 | 1.380 |
community@4be4bb4d | 1.320 |
collection@4bc41ef0 | 1.190 |
collection@4bf51ef0 | 1.149 |
collection@4bf31ef0 | 1.087 |
collection@4bd71ef0 | 1.002 |
collection@4bd41ef0 | 780 |
collection@4bc81ef0 | 779 |
de | 768 |
community@4be5bb4d | 660 |
collection@4bf21ef0 | 645 |
collection@4bd01ef0 | 644 |
collection@4be01ef0 | 639 |
collection@4bdf1ef0 | 627 |
collection@4bc91ef0 | 600 |
collection@4a2f1ef0 | 524 |
collection@4bd51ef0 | 523 |
collection@4bdd1ef0 | 419 |
sevilla | 418 |
collection@4bca1ef0 | 350 |
santa | 289 |
community@4be2bb4d | 286 |
collection@ffc2f65 | 280 |
las | 266 |
maría | 255 |
monasterio | 254 |
cuevas | 254 |
collection@4bcb1ef0 | 243 |
collection@4bc21ef0 | 209 |
collection@4bd61ef0 | 201 |
collection@4bd31ef0 | 182 |
virgen | 167 |
espino | 154 |
hidalgo | 151 |
la | 122 |
cristo | 102 |
collection@4bc71ef0 | 101 |
del | 91 |
trafalgar | 89 |
memoria | 72 |
collection@1666d303 | 67 |
historicos | 65 |
patrimonio | 63 |
collection@4bf71ef0 | 62 |
intervencion | 62 |
morón | 58 |
gómez | 56 |
auxiliadora | 56 |
el | 54 |
collection@4bd11ef0 | 54 |
en | 50 |
zonas | 50 |
collection@b1e69e60 | 50 |
dolorosa | 47 |
paisaje | 46 |
carmona | 43 |
escultura | 42 |
collection@4bd91ef0 | 42 |
san | 39 |
iglesia | 37 |
monumentos | 36 |
recomendaciones | 35 |
los | 35 |
tecnicas | 35 |
collection@1e807e67 | 34 |
industrial | 34 |
garcía | 33 |
collection@5108cba6 | 32 |
interes | 31 |
casasola | 31 |
historico | 30 |
lugares | 30 |
lourdes | 30 |
azucarera | 30 |
márquez | 30 |
plomo | 28 |
salud | 27 |
retablo | 27 |
fougueux | 27 |
pergamino | 26 |
jardines | 26 |
collection@4bfd1ef0 | 26 |
sitios | 25 |
santo | 25 |
málaga | 25 |
fe | 24 |
cultural | 23 |
juan | 23 |
arahal | 23 |
cartuja | 22 |
patrimoniales | 22 |
huelva | 21 |
conjuntos | 21 |
fabrica | 21 |
collection@4bd21ef0 | 21 |
expedienté | 20 |
gran | 20 |
restauracion | 20 |
poder | 20 |
mayor | 19 |
a | 19 |
bautista | 19 |
arqueologicas | 19 |
reyes | 19 |
real | 19 |
jaen | 18 |
artillería | 18 |
cruz | 18 |
castillo | 18 |
muralla | 18 |
urbano | 17 |
histórico | 17 |
jaén | 16 |
conjunto | 16 |
lucena | 16 |
alcalá | 16 |
yeserias | 15 |
crucificado | 15 |
etnologico | 15 |
malaga | 15 |
museo | 15 |
ecija | 15 |
pedro | 15 |
intervenir | 14 |
huelma | 14 |
pintura | 14 |
informe | 14 |
prehistoria | 13 |
estudios | 13 |
esperanza | 13 |
alajar | 13 |
macarena | 13 |
arquitectura | 13 |
martín | 13 |
ferreira | 12 |
antonio | 12 |
yacimientos | 12 |
simpecado | 12 |
sobre | 12 |
pradas | 12 |
arqueologico | 12 |
marchena | 12 |
batalla | 11 |
zarza | 11 |
guía | 11 |
video | 11 |
vera | 11 |
jesús | 11 |
morteros | 11 |
écija | 11 |
plaza | 11 |
subacuática | 11 |
estrella | 11 |
campo | 11 |
para | 11 |
triana | 10 |
hermandad | 10 |
lepe | 10 |
victoria | 10 |
muerte | 10 |
frontera | 10 |
manto | 10 |
vaqueros | 10 |
a=0 | 10 |
salvador | 10 |
buena | 9 |
proyecto | 9 |
soledad | 9 |
gerena | 9 |
cementerios | 9 |
trinidad | 9 |
arqueología | 9 |
ana | 9 |
documental | 9 |
error=org | 8 |
óleo | 8 |
at | 8 |
arcos | 8 |
amores | 8 |
search | 8 |
syntaxerror: | 8 |
32 | 8 |
column | 8 |
expiracion | 8 |
magallanes | 8 |
lugar | 8 |
documento | 8 |
apache | 8 |
restauración | 8 |
dateissued_ | 8 |
córdoba | 8 |
solr | 8 |
lienzo | 8 |
axarquía | 8 |
parse | 8 |
carredano | 8 |
inventario | 8 |
analitica | 8 |
encountered | 8 |
cannot | 8 |
rincón | 8 |
corral | 8 |
line | 8 |
paterna | 7 |
angeles | 7 |
70 | 7 |
maria | 7 |
una | 7 |
documentación | 7 |
rivera | 7 |
tabla | 7 |
astorga | 7 |
deposito | 7 |
notas | 6 |
inmaterial | 6 |
epigrafia | 6 |
final | 6 |
gema | 6 |
guillena | 6 |
grafico | 6 |
ferrocarril | 6 |
atlas | 6 |
amor | 6 |
cádiz | 6 |
zubia | 6 |
mural | 6 |
cartama | 6 |
verdugo | 6 |
santisima | 6 |
pumarejo | 6 |
score | 5 |
calahorra | 5 |
feria | 5 |
arquitectónica | 5 |
castilleja | 5 |
4 | 5 |
dibujo | 5 |
estacion | 5 |
popular | 5 |
demarcaciones | 5 |
e | 5 |
ronda | 5 |
carrera | 5 |
field: | 5 |
toques | 5 |
almeria | 5 |
expolio | 5 |
un | 5 |
gaita | 5 |
multivalued | 5 |
contratación | 5 |
años | 5 |
recurso | 5 |
not | 5 |
valme | 5 |
tamboril | 5 |
puerta | 5 |
reportajes | 5 |
chapitel | 5 |
león | 5 |
1997 | 5 |
1992 | 5 |
torre | 5 |
benadalid | 5 |
ibérico | 5 |
funerario | 5 |
ninfas | 5 |
cien | 5 |
guardia | 5 |
sort | 5 |
garcia | 5 |
arqueológicos | 5 |
justicia | 5 |
intervención | 5 |
error=can | 5 |
granada | 5 |
biografía | 5 |
Average views per item | 3.652 |
Level | Number of lines |
Warnings | 239.980 |
Operation | |
Log Processing Time | 449 seconds |
Output Processing Time | 0 seconds |
Log File Lines Analysed | 1.807.603 lines |