Depósito de documentos digitales reúne, difunde y preserva la documentación generada en los proyectos y actividades del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico.
Informes mensuales: 05/2015 | 06/2015 | 07/2015 | 08/2015 | 09/2015 | 10/2015 | 11/2015 | 12/2015 | 01/2016 | 02/2016 | 03/2016 | 04/2016 | 05/2016 | 07/2016 | 08/2016 | 09/2016 | 10/2016 | 11/2016 | 12/2016 | 01/2017 | 02/2017 | 03/2017 | 04/2017 | 05/2017 | 06/2017 | 07/2017 | 08/2017 | 09/2017 | 10/2017 | 11/2017 | 12/2017 | 01/2018 | 02/2018 | 03/2018 | 04/2018 | 05/2018 | 06/2018 | 07/2018 | 08/2018 | 09/2018 | 10/2018 | 11/2018 | 12/2018 | 01/2019 | 02/2019 | 03/2019 | 04/2019 | 05/2019 | 06/2019 | 07/2019 | 08/2019 | 09/2019 | 10/2019 | 11/2019 | 12/2019 | 01/2020 | 02/2020 | 03/2020 | 04/2020 | 05/2020 | 06/2020 | 07/2020 | 08/2020 | 09/2020 | 10/2020 | 11/2020 | 12/2020 | 01/2021 | 02/2021 | 03/2021 | 04/2021 | 05/2021 | 06/2021 | 07/2021 | 08/2021 | 09/2021 | 10/2021 | 11/2021 | 12/2021 | 01/2022 | 02/2022 | 03/2022 | 04/2022 | 05/2022 | 06/2022 | 07/2022 | 08/2022 | 09/2022 | 10/2022 | 11/2022 | 12/2022 | 01/2023 | 02/2023 | 03/2023 | 04/2023 | 05/2023 | 06/2023 | 07/2023 | 08/2023 | 09/2023 | 10/2023 | 11/2023 | 12/2023 | 01/2024 | 02/2024 | 03/2024 | 04/2024 | 05/2024 | 06/2024 | 07/2024 | 08/2024 | 09/2024 | 10/2024 | 11/2024
Items Archived | 50 |
Bitstream Views | 450.496 |
Item Views | 1.060.530 |
Collection Views | 7.722 |
Community Views | 6.912 |
User Logins | 128 |
Searches Performed | 451.388 |
Licence Rejections | 0 |
OAI Requests | 0 |
Content Type | Number of items |
All Items | 50 |
Preprint | 0 |
Thesis or Dissertation | 0 |
Research Paper | 0 |
Action | Number of times |
Item Views | 1.060.530 |
Searches Performed | 451.388 |
Bitstream Views | 450.496 |
browse_by_item | 131.900 |
browse | 128.781 |
display_statistics | 89.629 |
browse_mini | 30.546 |
delete_metadata_value | 17.315 |
file | 15.723 |
/opt/dspace/etc/oracle, classpath | 15.633 |
oracle | 15.632 |
Collection Views | 7.722 |
Community Views | 6.912 |
Bitstream Updates | 3.814 |
io_error | 3.642 |
Item Updated | 3.594 |
Bundle Updates | 2.729 |
Invalid ID Requests | 2.308 |
Workspace Item Views | 1.110 |
browse_by_value | 510 |
Bundles Added | 278 |
authenticate | 277 |
User Home Page Views | 267 |
workflow_item | 259 |
Workflow Advanced One Stage | 242 |
general_jspui_error | 164 |
Bitstreams Created | 159 |
Bitstreams Added | 156 |
EPerson Record Updated | 152 |
Bundles Created | 139 |
Workflow Item Updates | 136 |
Community List Views | 134 |
Items Created | 134 |
User Logins | 128 |
//localhost | 102 |
Error in discovery while setting up date facet range | 100 |
Workflow Views | 99 |
Tasks Claimed | 95 |
Workflow Starts | 72 |
Workspace Items Deleted | 72 |
Licences Accepted | 72 |
submission_complete | 72 |
Workspace Items Created | 67 |
Items Added | 51 |
Items Installed | 50 |
Items Archived | 50 |
Administrator Only Notifications | 46 |
Bitstreams Deleted | 37 |
Bitstreams Removed | 36 |
EPerson Group Updates | 29 |
Bundles Deleted | 29 |
Bundles Removed | 29 |
Feedback Form Displayed | 28 |
View Workspace Item | 27 |
Workflow Items Edited | 23 |
invalid_handle | 21 |
User Login Failures | 21 |
listadoExport | 20 |
User Logouts | 19 |
Lock obtain timed out | 19 |
Workflow Items Rejected to Workspace | 17 |
Reason for Workspace Item Rejection Completed | 17 |
Reject Workspace Item from Workflow | 17 |
Collection Updates | 15 |
sent_feedback | 14 |
EPerson Accounts Created | 12 |
registerion_alert | 11 |
8080 | 11 |
User's Own Submissions Viewed | 11 |
Registration Tokens Sent | 10 |
Registration Token Used | 10 |
Authorisation Errors | 9 |
EPerson Groups Created | 5 |
original_item_metadata | 5 |
create_subject | 5 |
Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Error de E/S | 4 |
184 avg | 4 |
E-Mail Address Unrecognised | 4 |
invalid_syndformat | 4 |
metadataexport | 4 |
191 avg | 3 |
Logos Uploaded | 3 |
Attempted Re-register of Registered User | 3 |
View Workspace Item Metadata | 2 |
Collections Created | 2 |
Items Deleted | 2 |
Collections Added | 2 |
create_author | 2 |
189 avg | 2 |
Licence Rejections | 2 |
User Profile Views | 2 |
invalid_token | 2 |
199 avg | 2 |
Forgotten Password Reset | 1 |
Confirmations of Workspace Item Removal | 1 |
207 avg | 1 |
197 avg | 1 |
Error while retrieving related items | 1 |
208 avg | 1 |
195 avg | 1 |
duplicate_item | 1 |
196 avg | 1 |
Submissions Removed | 1 | date value | 1 |
System Integrity Error | 1 |
Notifications of Forgotten Password | 1 |
edit_profile | 1 |
Formulación del Proyecto REDPeScA | 1 |
Logos Removed | 1 |
Licence Rejections | 0 |
OAI Requests | 0 |
User | Number of logins |
Address 5 | 24 |
Address 12 | 22 |
Address 1 | 19 |
Address 9 | 8 |
Address 16 | 7 |
Address 7 | 6 |
Address 14 | 5 |
Address 22 | 5 |
Address 10 | 5 |
Address 2 | 4 |
Address 3 | 4 |
Address 20 | 3 |
Address 18 | 2 |
Address 17 | 2 |
Address 13 | 2 |
Address 6 | 2 |
Address 4 | 2 |
Address 8 | 2 |
Address 19 | 1 |
Address 15 | 1 |
Address 11 | 1 |
Address 21 | 1 |
Word | Number of searches |
content | 436.934 |
dspace | 436.934 |
scope=org | 436.934 |
collection@4bfb1ef0 | 219.870 |
community@4be6bb4d | 22.544 |
collection@4bd51ef0 | 19.902 |
scope=null | 14.454 |
collection@306baae | 14.112 |
community@4bebbb4d | 13.594 |
community@4be9bb4d | 13.194 |
community@4be0bb4d | 9.288 |
collection@4be01ef0 | 8.768 |
collection@4bf51ef0 | 8.602 |
collection@4bf11ef0 | 8.174 |
collection@d08a65e5 | 7.287 |
community@4be8bb4d | 6.988 |
collection@4bfe1ef0 | 6.563 |
null | 6.479 |
collection@4bf61ef0 | 6.409 |
collection@4bd81ef0 | 5.978 |
collection@607dc389 | 5.415 |
community@4be5bb4d | 4.775 |
collection@4bdf1ef0 | 4.175 |
collection@4bc51ef0 | 3.999 |
collection@4bd71ef0 | 3.978 |
collection@4bfc1ef0 | 3.421 |
community@4be3bb4d | 3.412 |
collection@4bf41ef0 | 2.991 |
collection@4a2f1ef0 | 2.881 |
collection@451bce13 | 2.868 |
collection@4bc91ef0 | 2.667 |
collection@cd7c68ef | 2.501 |
collection@af396698 | 1.929 |
community@4be4bb4d | 1.768 |
collection@4bc41ef0 | 1.448 |
community@4be2bb4d | 1.425 |
collection@4bdd1ef0 | 1.378 |
collection@4bce1ef0 | 1.243 |
collection@dfc4ae | 1.055 |
collection@4bc11ef0 | 1.009 |
collection@4bc31ef0 | 839 |
community@4be7bb4d | 780 |
collection@4bcd1ef0 | 751 |
collection@4bd61ef0 | 747 |
de | 658 |
collection@4bf91ef0 | 593 |
collection@4bf21ef0 | 589 |
collection@4bf81ef0 | 554 |
collection@4bd21ef0 | 538 |
community@4be1bb4d | 526 |
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collection@b7a148f2 | 506 |
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collection@4bf31ef0 | 375 |
collection@5108cba6 | 357 |
collection@4bc61ef0 | 352 |
collection@4bca1ef0 | 351 |
collection@4bde1ef0 | 348 |
collection@4cfc2c3a | 333 |
real | 325 |
collection@1666d303 | 310 |
capilla | 284 |
collection@4bcb1ef0 | 272 |
memoria | 262 |
granada | 248 |
collection@4bd11ef0 | 235 |
la | 224 |
collection@e02a99dc | 211 |
cerámica | 194 |
jesus | 177 |
nino | 165 |
castillo | 158 |
del | 142 |
collection@1e807e67 | 140 |
collection@4bc81ef0 | 138 |
retablo | 136 |
lebrija | 126 |
collection@65ee76a6 | 117 |
collection@434f350f | 112 |
search | 103 |
solr | 103 |
error=org | 102 |
at | 102 |
column | 102 |
parse | 102 |
syntaxerror: | 102 |
apache | 102 |
cannot | 102 |
line | 102 |
informe | 101 |
abad | 96 |
soledad | 96 |
patrimonio | 90 |
en | 89 |
intervencion | 87 |
torre | 87 |
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el | 78 |
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83 | 72 |
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escultura | 64 |
collection@b5cce952 | 62 |
sevilla | 62 |
pintura | 58 |
32 | 58 |
collection@73314a6 | 58 |
san | 58 |
dateissued_ | 57 |
virgen | 56 |
collection@628625b4 | 56 |
collection@9562d25 | 54 |
jaen | 52 |
muralla | 51 |
cristo | 50 |
los | 50 |
iglesia | 45 |
gestión | 43 |
collection@53229bc3 | 43 |
antequera | 42 |
mural | 41 |
artesania | 39 |
paisaje | 38 |
giraldillo | 37 |
las | 37 |
88 | 37 |
>alert | 36 |
><script | 36 |
string | 36 |
fromcharcode | 36 |
cultural | 35 |
santa | 35 |
esperanza | 35 |
rio | 31 |
carmona | 31 |
juan | 31 |
esparto | 31 |
calle | 30 |
arroyomolinos | 30 |
olvera | 30 |
puebla | 30 |
coro | 29 |
boletín | 29 |
inmaterial | 28 |
baeza | 28 |
moron | 28 |
mayor | 27 |
expediente | 27 |
sort | 26 |
sanlucar | 26 |
segura | 25 |
error=can | 25 |
óleo | 24 |
multivalued | 24 |
sobre | 24 |
setenil | 24 |
field: | 24 |
not | 24 |
lienzo | 24 |
cinta | 23 |
atlas | 23 |
score | 22 |
elodia | 22 |
molino | 22 |
documental | 22 |
teatro | 21 |
restauracion | 21 |
intervención | 20 |
script>_ | 20 |
mensula | 20 |
after | 19 |
encountered: | 19 |
arqueología | 19 |
dios | 19 |
lexical | 19 |
collection@fae38f76 | 19 |
castilleja | 19 |
grabado | 19 |
tomares | 19 |
<eof> | 19 |
error | 19 |
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gata | 18 |
cabo | 18 |
libro | 18 |
campana | 18 |
niño | 17 |
sierra | 17 |
con | 17 |
écija | 17 |
norte | 17 |
señora | 17 |
nuestra | 16 |
alquife | 16 |
leon | 16 |
crucificado | 16 |
a=0 | 16 |
cuesta | 15 |
mancha | 15 |
triana | 14 |
cabezas | 14 |
cargadero | 14 |
[0]_ | 14 |
[2000 | 14 |
documento | 14 |
materiales | 14 |
oficios | 14 |
conservación | 14 |
marruecos | 14 |
subterraneo | 14 |
terceros | 14 |
proyecto | 13 |
dos | 13 |
saberes | 13 |
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policromada | 13 |
hermanas | 13 |
10 | 13 |
salteras | 13 |
imagen | 13 |
cruz | 13 |
marmolejo | 13 |
[0] | 13 |
estampada | 12 |
baños | 12 |
gines | 12 |
arqueologico | 12 |
plata | 12 |
decoracion | 12 |
script>_authority: | 12 |
alimentacion | 12 |
biblia | 12 |
[2010 | 12 |
tinajas | 12 |
almonaster | 11 |
metal | 11 |
culturales | 11 |
baelo | 11 |
cazalla | 11 |
claudia | 11 |
2009] | 11 |
2019] | 11 |
bienes | 11 |
cartama | 11 |
ruta | 11 |
orgiva | 10 |
victoria | 10 |
cueva | 10 |
dehesas | 10 |
registros | 10 |
cinco | 10 |
arjona | 10 |
puerto | 10 |
alcalá | 10 |
vivienda | 10 |
viejas | 10 |
inventarios | 9 |
moraleda | 9 |
belmez | 9 |
convento | 9 |
1999] | 9 |
material | 9 |
santisteban | 9 |
pétreo | 9 |
carcabuey | 9 |
digitalización | 9 |
encina | 9 |
ladrillo | 9 |
almeria | 9 |
estuario | 9 |
navas | 9 |
entidades | 9 |
patrimoniales | 9 |
cádiz | 9 |
cerro | 9 |
estepa | 9 |
caballete | 9 |
francisco | 8 |
seminario | 8 |
jimena | 8 |
2021] | 8 |
caura | 8 |
aguado | 8 |
semana | 8 |
gonzalez | 8 |
torredelcampo | 8 |
alcala | 8 |
palacios | 8 |
castro | 8 |
habitar | 7 |
carteia | 7 |
visual | 7 |
cerámicos | 7 |
peñas | 7 |
frescos | 7 |
mosaico | 7 |
trinidad | 7 |
jabalquinto | 7 |
andalucia | 7 |
purullena | 7 |
salvador | 7 |
blas | 7 |
bajo | 7 |
seminarios | 7 |
castillejo | 7 |
catedral | 7 |
organicos | 7 |
horno | 7 |
[2020 | 7 |
cañaveral | 7 |
porcuna | 7 |
cuadrilla | 7 |
inmueble | 7 |
centro | 7 |
[0]_authority: | 7 |
leandro | 7 |
informes | 7 |
subacuática | 7 |
ánimas | 7 |
para | 7 |
criterios | 6 |
proyectos | 6 |
castril | 6 |
mairena | 6 |
viso | 6 |
lopera | 6 |
ambito | 6 |
universidades | 6 |
provincia | 6 |
siete | 6 |
spatial | 6 |
universidad | 6 |
jesús | 6 |
zújar | 6 |
subject | 6 |
plaza | 6 |
reyes | 6 |
ermita | 6 |
cortijo | 6 |
torredonjimeno | 6 |
marchena | 6 |
02 | 6 |
deifontes | 6 |
saucejo | 6 |
12 | 6 |
arqueologicos | 6 |
llagas | 6 |
marquez | 6 |
fuentes | 6 |
expiración | 6 |
actuaciones | 6 |
cabeza | 6 |
rus | 6 |
mercado | 6 |
macael | 6 |
puerta | 6 |
huevar | 6 |
palabras | 6 |
jueves | 6 |
encarnación | 6 |
casabermeja | 6 |
umbrete | 6 |
estudio | 6 |
hospital | 6 |
pedroche | 6 |
jaén | 5 |
tolosa | 5 |
investigación | 5 |
fernando | 5 |
herrera | 5 |
chipiona | 5 |
villamanrique | 5 |
alfarnatejo | 5 |
cazorla | 5 |
río | 5 |
calatrava | 5 |
coronil | 5 |
platero | 5 |
infante | 5 |
guadalquivi | 5 |
orientación | 5 |
casariche | 5 |
arquitectura | 5 |
lozano | 5 |
isidoro | 5 |
orcera | 5 |
contemporánea | 5 |
ana | 5 |
perdida | 5 |
giribaile | 5 |
parque | 5 |
miguel | 5 |
lectura | 5 |
alcaudete | 5 |
peña | 5 |
fuente | 5 |
74 | 5 |
dorado | 5 |
paradas | 5 |
huelma | 5 |
genovés | 5 |
geométrica | 5 |
vino | 5 |
cantillana | 5 |
campo | 5 |
málaga | 5 |
sorihuela | 5 |
abanico | 5 |
proceso | 5 |
técnico | 5 |
dolorosa | 5 |
Average views per item | 21.211 |
Level | Number of lines |
Warnings | 114.767 |
Operation | |
Log Processing Time | 217 seconds |
Output Processing Time | 0 seconds |
Log File Lines Analysed | 3.640.184 lines |