Depósito de documentos digitales reúne, difunde y preserva la documentación generada en los proyectos y actividades del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico.
Informes mensuales: 05/2015 | 06/2015 | 07/2015 | 08/2015 | 09/2015 | 10/2015 | 11/2015 | 12/2015 | 01/2016 | 02/2016 | 03/2016 | 04/2016 | 05/2016 | 07/2016 | 08/2016 | 09/2016 | 10/2016 | 11/2016 | 12/2016 | 01/2017 | 02/2017 | 03/2017 | 04/2017 | 05/2017 | 06/2017 | 07/2017 | 08/2017 | 09/2017 | 10/2017 | 11/2017 | 12/2017 | 01/2018 | 02/2018 | 03/2018 | 04/2018 | 05/2018 | 06/2018 | 07/2018 | 08/2018 | 09/2018 | 10/2018 | 11/2018 | 12/2018 | 01/2019 | 02/2019 | 03/2019 | 04/2019 | 05/2019 | 06/2019 | 07/2019 | 08/2019 | 09/2019 | 10/2019 | 11/2019 | 12/2019 | 01/2020 | 02/2020 | 03/2020 | 04/2020 | 05/2020 | 06/2020 | 07/2020 | 08/2020 | 09/2020 | 10/2020 | 11/2020 | 12/2020 | 01/2021 | 02/2021 | 03/2021 | 04/2021 | 05/2021 | 06/2021 | 07/2021 | 08/2021 | 09/2021 | 10/2021 | 11/2021 | 12/2021 | 01/2022 | 02/2022 | 03/2022 | 04/2022 | 05/2022 | 06/2022 | 07/2022 | 08/2022 | 09/2022 | 10/2022 | 11/2022 | 12/2022 | 01/2023 | 02/2023 | 03/2023 | 04/2023 | 05/2023 | 06/2023 | 07/2023 | 08/2023 | 09/2023 | 10/2023 | 11/2023 | 12/2023 | 01/2024 | 02/2024 | 03/2024 | 04/2024 | 05/2024 | 06/2024 | 07/2024 | 08/2024 | 09/2024 | 10/2024 | 11/2024
Items Archived | 315 |
Bitstream Views | 796.197 |
Item Views | 2.202.470 |
Collection Views | 15.928 |
Community Views | 10.440 |
User Logins | 218 |
Searches Performed | 301.809 |
Licence Rejections | 0 |
OAI Requests | 0 |
Content Type | Number of items |
All Items | 313 |
Research Paper | 1 |
Preprint | 0 |
Thesis or Dissertation | 0 |
Action | Number of times |
Item Views | 2.202.470 |
Bitstream Views | 796.197 |
Searches Performed | 301.809 |
browse_by_item | 134.560 |
browse | 127.293 |
display_statistics | 112.924 |
delete_metadata_value | 33.670 |
browse_mini | 30.306 |
Item Updated | 17.396 |
Collection Views | 15.928 |
Community Views | 10.440 |
//localhost | 7.452 |
Invalid ID Requests | 7.299 |
Workspace Item Views | 5.062 |
io_error | 5.048 |
Bitstream Updates | 3.551 |
workflow_item | 1.498 |
Workflow Advanced One Stage | 1.231 |
Bundles Added | 1.228 |
User Home Page Views | 958 |
browse_by_value | 695 |
Bundle Updates | 689 |
Items Created | 642 |
Bitstreams Created | 626 |
Bitstreams Added | 626 |
Workflow Views | 616 |
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Workflow Item Updates | 604 |
Tasks Claimed | 596 |
authenticate | 463 |
/opt/dspace/etc/oracle, classpath | 327 |
file | 327 |
oracle | 327 |
Workspace Items Created | 321 |
Items Added | 315 |
Items Archived | 315 |
Workspace Items Deleted | 313 |
Items Installed | 313 |
Workflow Starts | 306 |
Licences Accepted | 306 |
submission_complete | 306 |
Community List Views | 231 |
EPerson Record Updated | 229 |
User Logins | 218 |
general_jspui_error | 135 | date value | 99 |
Workflow Items Edited | 92 |
Administrator Only Notifications | 75 |
update_metadatavalue | 71 |
edit_metadata | 71 |
edit_item | 71 |
View Workspace Item | 64 |
EPerson Group Updates | 64 |
Error in discovery while setting up date facet range | 57 |
Bitstreams Removed | 53 |
Bitstreams Deleted | 53 |
Collection Updates | 51 |
User Logouts | 50 |
User's Own Submissions Viewed | 43 |
view_html | 35 |
Bundles Deleted | 35 |
Bundles Removed | 35 |
User Login Failures | 27 |
Feedback Form Displayed | 24 |
invalid_handle | 16 |
sent_feedback | 16 |
Authorisation Errors | 10 |
create_author | 9 |
listadoExport | 9 |
invalid_syndformat | 8 |
Items Deleted | 7 |
Reason for Workspace Item Rejection Completed | 7 |
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User Profile Views | 6 |
Reject Workspace Item from Workflow | 6 |
metadataexport | 6 |
registerion_alert | 5 |
EPerson Groups Created | 5 |
EPerson Accounts Created | 5 |
Registration Token Used | 5 |
org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException | 4 |
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Submissions Removed | 3 |
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R.R.M.M. Filipenses Hijas de María de los Dolores del Convento de San Carlos de Málaga. Pintura | 1 |
exportSimplePDF | 1 |
Error while retrieving related items | 1 |
delete_author | 1 |
edit_profile | 1 |
Licence Rejections | 0 |
OAI Requests | 0 |
User | Number of logins |
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Address 14 | 27 |
Address 11 | 25 |
Address 4 | 19 |
Address 10 | 18 |
Address 7 | 15 |
Address 16 | 12 |
Address 1 | 12 |
Address 18 | 6 |
Address 2 | 6 |
Address 3 | 6 |
Address 20 | 6 |
Address 13 | 4 |
Address 9 | 4 |
Address 17 | 3 |
Address 8 | 2 |
Address 19 | 1 |
Address 15 | 1 |
Address 12 | 1 |
Address 6 | 1 |
Word | Number of searches |
content | 295.912 |
dspace | 295.912 |
scope=org | 295.912 |
community@4be6bb4d | 33.575 |
collection@4bd51ef0 | 27.450 |
null | 21.560 |
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de | 431 |
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del | 63 |
error=org | 63 |
at | 63 |
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solr | 63 |
parse | 63 |
syntaxerror: | 63 |
apache | 63 |
cannot | 63 |
line | 63 |
ferrocarriles | 61 |
santa | 60 |
collection@fae38f76 | 59 |
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archivo | 58 |
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linares | 44 |
collection@23895bc4 | 44 |
32 | 42 |
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bienes | 39 |
sanlucar | 38 |
los | 38 |
inmuebles | 36 |
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mármol | 31 |
andalucía | 30 |
>iko | 30 |
iznajar | 29 |
en | 28 |
informe | 28 |
after | 27 |
encountered: | 27 |
córdoba | 27 |
lexical | 27 |
francisco | 27 |
patio | 27 |
<eof> | 27 |
error | 27 |
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juan | 24 |
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imágenes | 22 |
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eurosol | 21 |
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1=1 | 19 |
mantenimiento | 19 |
nvopzp; | 19 |
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agraria | 18 |
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alimentos | 18 |
umbrete | 18 |
alameda | 18 |
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iaph | 16 |
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vidrio | 15 |
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jorge | 15 |
encarnación | 15 |
castillo | 15 |
> | 14 |
itálica | 14 |
cáliz | 14 |
taller | 14 |
industrialización | 14 |
pedro | 14 |
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desc | 14 |
alcalá | 14 |
><img | 13 |
retablo | 13 |
director | 13 |
las | 13 |
libro | 13 |
fotografias | 13 |
puerta | 13 |
para | 13 |
error=can | 13 |
: | 12 |
lourdes | 12 |
almería | 12 |
aprefix | 12 |
83 | 12 |
manto | 12 |
danza | 12 |
gestión | 11 |
histórico | 11 |
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saeta | 11 |
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cerámica | 11 |
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mitacion | 10 |
tocina | 10 |
bautismo | 10 |
iglesia | 10 |
bollullos | 10 |
cuero | 10 |
roldán | 10 |
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josé | 10 |
valle | 10 |
jerez | 10 |
subacuática | 10 |
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valera | 9 |
planes | 9 |
angustias | 9 |
repositorio | 9 |
don | 9 |
guadaira | 9 |
patrimonial | 9 |
propuesta | 9 |
2022] | 9 |
villanueva | 9 |
aznalcazar | 9 |
casulla | 9 |
70 | 9 |
esperanza | 9 |
alzaga | 9 |
piedad | 9 |
informes | 9 |
fadrique | 9 |
cas | 9 |
frontal | 8 |
1999] | 8 |
ii | 8 |
palma | 8 |
bernardo | 8 |
con | 8 |
básica | 8 |
carmona | 8 |
subacuatica | 8 |
remedios | 8 |
trebujena | 8 |
2009] | 8 |
[2020 | 8 |
urbanización | 8 |
mayo | 8 |
ruta | 8 |
cruces | 8 |
general | 8 |
pedrera | 8 |
gelves | 7 |
al | 7 |
ecomuseo | 7 |
arzobispo | 7 |
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rambla | 7 |
corpus | 7 |
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arqueologia | 7 |
atlas | 7 |
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pos=10 | 7 |
ategua | 7 |
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ecología | 7 |
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irlandeses | 7 |
asc | 7 |
ceramica | 7 |
guía | 7 |
zapatero | 7 |
roldalquilar | 7 |
rocio | 7 |
chacinas | 7 |
recomendaciones | 7 |
benacazon | 7 |
\\ | 7 |
spec | 7 |
score><img | 7 |
málaga | 7 |
márquez | 7 |
vista | 6 |
magallanes | 6 |
milagros | 6 |
parte | 6 |
andévalo | 6 |
nuestra | 6 |
multivalued | 6 |
niño | 6 |
maría | 6 |
ogijares | 6 |
real | 6 |
asuffix_authority: | 6 |
pabellon | 6 |
chancilleria | 6 |
grazalema | 6 |
estandarte | 6 |
colombia | 6 |
fotografia | 6 |
[2000 | 6 |
field: | 6 |
not | 6 |
cádiz | 6 |
cerro | 6 |
aurora | 6 |
benacazón | 6 |
martagón | 6 |
condiciones | 6 |
museo | 6 |
parlamento | 6 |
señora | 6 |
granada | 6 |
asuncion | 5 |
geofisica | 5 |
pluvial | 5 |
cartuja | 5 |
>alert | 5 |
siglo | 5 |
restauración | 5 |
paisajes | 5 |
carreta | 5 |
portada | 5 |
vélez | 5 |
anduja | 5 |
arqueologico | 5 |
exvoto | 5 |
alcorrín | 5 |
inventario | 5 |
zahara | 5 |
caridad | 5 |
rota | 5 |
cristi | 5 |
caleta | 5 |
iberoamericana | 5 |
puente | 5 |
blanco | 5 |
01 | 5 |
feria | 5 |
rodalquilar | 5 |
alimentacion | 5 |
><script | 5 |
[2010 | 5 |
string | 5 |
concepcion | 5 |
fromcharcode | 5 |
capa | 5 |
0010680 | 5 |
hermandad | 5 |
88 | 5 |
alfarería | 5 |
mercedes | 5 |
[1998 | 5 |
mural | 5 |
milena | 5 |
higueras | 5 |
nuria | 5 |
sagrario | 5 |
hospital | 5 |
Average views per item | 7.037 |
Level | Number of lines |
Warnings | 212.246 |
Operation | |
Log Processing Time | 325 seconds |
Output Processing Time | 0 seconds |
Log File Lines Analysed | 7.866.887 lines |